About Meraki Concepts

Meraki Concepts is a company based in Zurich, Switzerland specialized in offering writing and project management services. Seemingly unrelated at first glance, these two services form an important nucleus for all forms of businesses and projects, both personal and commercial: what do we want to communicate, how do we communicate what we want to say and how do we execute what we say.

Words are all around us. They are the building blocks of every marketing and communications strategy on the planet and make up the single-most defining factor of what makes us human. The act of communicating thoughts, emotions and ideas is an ability unique to mankind in the animal kingdom and is inherently what makes words so powerful. When employed correctly, they have the power to educate the mind, evoke an array of emotions, lead its readers to a certain action and even shape the perception of reality.

Meraki is a Modern Greek word, derived from the Turkish word "Merak", which means "labor of love" or "to do something with pleasure". Meraki describes the act of doing a task with soul, creativity and passion, to the point that you put something yourself into your work. This word is the embodiment of our working philosophy at Meraki Concepts. Every project we handle receives the same absolute attention, devotion and respect with the desire to put the very essence of our client into the work. It is only when we give a piece of ourselves into our work that we can we create writing, projects, communication and work that makes a true and authentic human connection.

Meraki Concepts specializes in creating writing copy that fulfill a specific purpose. Based on the briefing of our clients, we write content and copy in accordance to the desired tonality, audience and call to action. We help communicate our client’s persona, philosophy and purpose, regardless of whether it may be in a commercial or creative context.

With a consolidated 20 years of experience in business and project management, Meraki Concepts also offers project and business management services. Certain projects within an organization require extensive project management, and outsourcing this task to an objective third party can prove to be beneficial. Furthermore, our extensive network in various industries provide the opportunity for building partnerships and liaisons that create mutually profitable and beneficial relationships.